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AZ Patent Law Firm
AZ Patent's Procedure

Internet Patent Prosecution Procedure

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1.How to Receive Legal Service Through Internet.

A Z Patent Law Firm conducts its business primarily through Internet, email and fax. The firm has found this service is smooth and efficient.

When a prospective client calls the firm and briefly discusses with an attorney concerning inventions, the attorney might ask the prospective client to send necessary drawings and detailed descriptions to the firm through fax,  email, or secured web form (if a closed lock appears in your browser, security feature is implemented). The client needs to sufficiently disclose the invention so that the firm can understand all aspects of the invention.

Fax is considered the safest.Prospective clients must use corrective fax number. In reality, the only problem cause to leak privileged information is press a wrong fax number and thus send documents to a wrong person or business.

Email is now regarded as safe communication means generally. A federal law makes it crime to intercept email intentionally. If the client chooses to use email as a communication means, two methods are available to improve its security. The prospective client may send message in an encrypted form, and gives the key to the firm by telephone call. This method may cause additional delay if the firm experiences difficulty in de-encrypting the message. Another safe method is to send confidential materials by two messages:  sending a first mail in BLANK to which a confidential document is attached and then sending a message informing the firm of the incoming communication.  The confidential document  should be preferably in non-text file format. This two-step mailing method makes it difficult to intercept the email by key words in traffic. 

Generally,bulky documents should be sent to the firm by U.S. mail or private couriers. To speed up delivery,  the client may use express mail services.<

After the attorney have received and reviewed all essential materials, he might provide a quote on legal fees or a cap on legal fees, or ask for more information before the attorney is able to give a quote. If the client and the firm agree on service terms and legal fees, the firm will send the client a retainer agreement and request the client to send an initial amount of retainer and deposit. Upon receiving the signed retainer agreement and retainer and deposit, the attorney will start working on the client's case. The deposit portion will be safe-kept in an attorney trust account.

2.How Can I Trust Internet Legal Services?

Some clients are not confident with Internet-based legal services. This concern is understandable.  Law practices are strictly regulated by state and federal authorities. Moreover, attorneys are subject to regulatory rules whether they practice locally, nationwide or globally. If a prospective client has doubts as to the legitimacy of such a practice, the client may search attorney's rosters maintained by regulatory authorities. When an attorney communicates with a client, he often indicates where he is licensed. Such information may appear in circulars, on letterheads, on name cards, or in email footnotes. The prospective client can identify regulatory authorities and their attorney rosters. If the client can find the attorney's name in the roasters, it is safe to communicate with this attorney.

When a business has committed interstate fraud using telephone and U.S. mail, such a business would be enjoined by the Federal Trade Commission, state attorney general, and United States Postal Inspector. It is inconceivable that a fraudulent business can be around in the Internet community for very long. Despite some fraudulent incidents, a vast number of Internet businesses are legitimate.

3.Advantages of Virtual Representation

There are many advantages in choosing this Internet-based representation. First and foremost,  it is highly cost-effective for clients. Second, it can save clients' the time by doing away with trips to the firm, and therefore eliminating waiting times. Third, the firm can deliver the service more efficiently. Please note:  Prospective clients should be aware that the government controls the timing of all application processes. After filing a patent application, it is possible the Patent and Trademark Office will not act upon the case until months later. The firm will not contact the client when there is nothing to discuss.Whenever there is an office action or response, the client will know it within a reasonable time.

4.An Important Warning

Because the firm conducts its business through Internet, email and fax,  prospective clients must make sure that the firm actually receives communication or knows in advance about incoming communications. For each time-sensitive communication, the client is required to contact the firm at (301) 595-1826 to ensure that the firm can keep track of the incoming communication. Failure to do so may cause the client to miss a statutory deadline, which could be easily prevented just by one brief telephone call.

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